Sunday, November 29, 2015

Week 73 - 16 months


-Happy thanksgiving!!
- celebrated at Matt and Dorothy's.
-Lyla has two more teeth coming through on the bottom right.
-is still sleeping through the night. 
-says; okay, ho ho ho, quack quack.
-started kicking her ball around.
-jumps up and throws her hands in the air for touch downs
-drank with a straw
-learned to climb up the couch.
-put up our Christmas tree in the new house. We quickly had to put up the baby gate because Lyla wanted to climb it 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Week 72 - 16 months

-Lyla now says Minnie,buh bye, more, cheese, night, hi, morning, and sweep.
-Lyla also can make some animal sounds: house, bear/lion, cow, elephant.
-Lyla can also say ho-ho-ho
-got her second hair cut at Daisy Doos and Dudes. They even put a little fairy dust on her :)
-sleep has improved 1000%. She just lays down when we put her to bed and is sleeping all night.
-she's even letting me read to her before bed without ripping pages. SOO in love with just rocking in her chair and reading a story.

Family photo session - October

Week 630 - 9&4 years old

 4/21-4/27 Saw Wicked with Andy for a date night  Harper loves Eskimo kissing daddy  Lyla won her first soccer game  Harper took her first s...