Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Week 36 - Honeydew

This week we celebrated fathers day and it was pretty event full...

Toward the end of the day I forgot I was pregnant when I rescued my dad's dog after she fell into the pool.  No one really knows if I landed right on my tummy or if I gradually got onto my tummy to pull sandy out but that I was on my tummy. 

Monday I called the midwives and they had me come in for a NST.Lyla was super busy in the beginning then put herself to sleep which was a good thing.  During the visit they couldn't determine if she was still head down....

Friday I went back to the midwives and by touch they still couldn't determine her direction. We noticed she started having hiccups so they put the heart monitor on her and from that sound she was pretty sure she had to be head down..  So one last test was an internal exam in which she found her head right away lol.  

I was told I was 0 station which means she's already dropped into the lowest position in my pelvic bone ready to be born. 

  I was advice to get lots of rest going forward even though I am in the safe zone. We also went over what I could be expecting for water breaking, contractions, getting my hospital numbers, bag together and make sure car seat is in.

Daddy practicing with Evan

Sandy & Emelia

Cooling off my swollen feet

Aunt Kate practicing with Evan

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Week 35 - Coconut

The word of the week this week was swelling... Yuck..
Lyla has definitely started to drop and its getting really uncomfortable to sit now unless I'm on a yoga ball.
She's still head down but on her side, we are hoping gravity will bring to my middle if not head down is good.
This weekend i'm pretty sure I am starting to lose pieces of my mucus plug which my midwife said its to be expected at this point and they wouldn't stop labor if it happened. 
Only 2 more weeks till she's considered full term.
Took my final prenatal test (at this point) (group b) and I should hear the results Monday.
Her and my hospital bags are all packed and ready to go.
Daddy was busy installing her car seat

Good job daddy!

Her room is all set, just need her to arrive.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Week 34 - Butternut Squash

I'm finally able to go shopping for Lyla!!
Shopping at babies r us for the rest of your registry is not as fun as it sounds but we survived. 
This week we toured the hospital where she will be born which was not as overwhelming as I thought.
Her favorite place to hang out is on my right rib cage and she still is trying to reach around to my back.
I've also noticed she is starting to drop this week.
This week daddy and mommy where very busy putting together cuteness :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Week 33 - Durian Fruit

Acid reflux has made its ugly return which has meant laying flat on my slide has not been possible...
This week she turned 33 weeks on Goofy's birthday.
BH contractions have still been happening often which I'm reading is still a good thing but now I should be watching out if it turns into pre-term labor.
My hospital bag is pretty much all set just in case she decides to arrive early.

Technically my shower was on 34WD1 however I'm going to add the pics to this week :)

Had a wonderful shower!

Yes I was the first person in line :)

Daddy even joined in on the fun

Thank you everyone for all the wonderful gifts


Week 630 - 9&4 years old

 4/21-4/27 Saw Wicked with Andy for a date night  Harper loves Eskimo kissing daddy  Lyla won her first soccer game  Harper took her first s...